Total Medals Earned: 125 (From 42 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,785 Points
Medals Earned: 11/17 (295/480 points)
Crushing the balloon
Killing King Kong
Crushing the Air Racer
Crushing the Asteroid
Crushing the Coast Bomber
Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin
Killing Spiderman
Crushing the tram
Crushing Donald Trump's Jet
Crushing 65 Containers
Eating 15 Navy Soldiers
Catching 10 Baseballs
Crushin the Coast Guard Jet
Killing Osama Bin Laden
Killing 28 Cows
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 7/8 (215/265 points)
You Survived Your First Encounter
You Lived Through Round Two
You Are Victorious, But At What Price?
Three Down And Still Fresh
You Shot Your Opponent!
You Survived A Long Rally
You Spun the Cylinder When You Would Have Been Shot
Get To The End On Your First Game
Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/90 points)
Go to arts NG page!
Would anyone like some pound cake?
Go to Authors NG page!
Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music
I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!
LazyMuffin plays the hits!
Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!
Go to songs NG page!
If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.
Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians
Gaze into my chocolate eyes...
Lister to the spooktober update!
100 down
Let them shuffle tracks!
It rhymes with bomb!
Medals Earned: 4/11 (170/370 points)
You probably poke dead animals with sticks, too.
Make a big explosion!
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
When winning just isn't enough...
A new lap record!
Medals Earned: 5/24 (95/1,000 points)
Shoot an enemy off your hood with the pistol
Use a water jug to put off your burning engine
Drive 3 KM with all 4 tires blown
Hit 25 civilians
Defeat a helicopter
Do a 4 hits combo with zombies only
Knock an enemy off your hood by hitting the side walls
Hit 16 enemies, alternating between zombie and soldier or vice versa
Kill 10 zombies at low speed
Shoot a soldier while he's pointing his gun at you and before he shoots
Hit 50 highway soldiers
Avoid 10 mutated zombies
Get all 5 enemy types off your hood
Exit the city with at least 15 seconds to spare
Do a 3 hits vehicle collision combo
Drive 0.5 KM at maximum speed
Buy all the upgrades
Reach up to 45 seconds bonus time in Dead On Time
Dodge 10 carpet bombings
Do 30 zombie splatter hits
Drive 10 KM in Dead On Time
Beat Highway To Hell
Drive 10 KM in Police State
Beat The Great Escape
Medals Earned: 5/8 (75/205 points)
Destroy 10 enemies without dying
Complete first level
Score a x1 at the punch machine
Destroy 50 enemies without dying
Destroy 150 enemies without dying
Complete the game
Destroy last boss without getting hit
Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/50 points)
Go to the Gameover Screen
Eat your first Green Snot
Click on the [You May Also Like Pimple Madness] Button
Eat 100 Snot
Win the game
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
You oppose SOPA & PIPA
Medals Earned: 7/14 (80/120 points)
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/365 points)
Reach first checkpoint
Collect 10 coins
Reach first half of all checkpoints
Collect 20 coins
Reach all checkpoints
Collect half of all coins
Collect all coins
Reach all checkpoints in a single run